Thursday, March 21, 2013

I KNOW whom I have believed!

He says I am Forgiven:
Last night I sinned, against you and my body
I have since scrubbed away at my sinful flesh
Yes, you have forgiven me,
Yes, you have made me pure
…but did you see what I did?

He says I am Righteous:
I sneak along, hugging the walls
Burdened by my sin
Head hung low
Spend nights Weeping, Begging
Hoping… to be made worthy

He says I am the Apple of His Eye:
Yet I draw close in fear;
Of the sin I surely forgot to repent of
Of the grime I surely forgot to scrub away
Of the words that may just not be holy enough
Of someone more worthy…
Needing the audience space I am taking up

He says I am heir and son:
And yet with the homeless skeptic I choose to dwell
To feed on scraps that fall off my own Father’s table
I call upon the universe to beseech my Father
To beg my Father on my behalf…
For my own inheritance

He says I was healed:
Gave me a clean bill of health, he did
But every time I sneeze,
Surely, I have caught something fatal
Surely, I need to see the doctor
Regularly, I visit this doctor
Hoping the check-up gives good news
But secretly suspecting that chest pain to be fatal…

I say I am who He says I am;
Forgiven and Righteous
The Apple of his Eye
His heir, His son…
So, with head held high,
I will enter his courts with praise
With thanksgiving receive my inheritance
With utter conviction walk away
From the pool where we used to scrub at our sin
I am worthy;
Of my Father’s table.

For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day2Timothy 1:12

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace...Hebrews 4:16

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