Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Have you ever:
Got what you thought you wanted…
Found you are terrified of it?

Well, I have.
Be it a new friend, lots of money, that dude I thought would complete me, that perfect job…
I get literally, petrified with the fear that;
I just might mess it up. In fact, I am sure I will mess it up.

As I stand still I recall my past responses;
Denial: no, I do not want it. It is ok, in fact, I never wanted it.
Doubt: is this what I really wanted, maybe I just worked myself into lather over nothing.
Unworthy: me? No, they would never have me. Why me?
Disbelief: this is too good to be true.
Let’s back out of this now!

As I go along with life and I have encountered things I clearly do not deserve like salvation and grace…
Well, these other things seem trivial in comparison. If I managed to qualify (through my extreme inability to qualify) for a life in salvation, well then I guess I have a pass to every single thing I thought I did not deserve.
I walk with assurance that my Father, God has got me and He will fix it if I mess it up…

Now I run forward to those things I once held back from:
He qualifies me.
He is my advocate.
He makes me worthy.
He is the lifter of my head.

Image from:  www.markramseymedia.com

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