We keep silent because we are afraid… scratch that: I keep
silent because I am afraid. Afraid that
if you saw my heart you would not stay that if you saw me… You would run off screaming.
I want to write literary works of art, which everybody reads
and is blown away by awesomeness. Here goes; I am not always awesome.
Today I was with a group of friends and one of my girls
shared how she felt unworthy because her life was not where she wanted it to be…
I have felt unworthy.
Unworthy to speak into anybody’s life, to comfort,
encourage, admonish… my life was simply not in order. But if I forgot that,
ignored my failures, my closet full of Ezekiel’s skeletons…
This is what I
would say.
There is hope. Hope after every hurt: self-inflicted,
inflicted by others or whatever comes in-between…
There is hope. Hope after you have messed up every single
thing you touch; relationships, projects, dreams…
There is hope. Hope after your worst nightmare proves to be
a wide-awake moment. After what is precious is taken from you.
There is hope. Let me show you where you can find it… Follow
“He sent me to give the good news to the poor. Tell
prisoners that they are prisoners no more. Tell blind people that they can see.
And set the downtrodden free.” Luke 4:18
Let me show you which part speaks to you:
Are you poor?
Financially, emotionally, intellectually, physically… you
are simply inadequate?
Are you a prisoner?
Of your past, your failures, your experiences, others’
experiences, your fears, the unknown, your addictions…
Are you blind?
Unseeing of the beauty of life, hopeless, with darkened
visage and bleak future… even physically blind?
Are you downtrodden?
By life, friends, family, insecurity… held down so close to
the ground you see nothing else?
Well, right here is your good news, your hope.
“In Him we live and move and have our being…” Acts
17:28 “Behold the old has gone all things have been made new…” 2
Corinthians 5:17
With these few things I declare you free and myself worthy
to speak peace into your life. I am not better than you… I have simply accepted
my inheritance.
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