Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Discovering The Heart Of Worship

So, I have not said anything useful lately; I like how people react to raw emotion. The slight wince and the hunted look that appears in their eyes, as if they are looking for a way out of the conversation.

 That said, I do not want to have another awkward conversation with this page, just a conversation.

I have been learning: learning about worship.
I step out of the house on many days, look up at the sky, take in the position of the clouds in the sky, stars (if any), the shade of blue, allow myself to be calmed by the beauty... Then I say," Thank you Father, it is beautiful." I then turn round and walk back into the house.

I love creation and everything that testifies of God's artistry; the crunch of leaves underfoot, the ray of light filtering through dew covered leaves.

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24

A daunting scripture especially when you are convinced you are unworthy and will somehow never measure up... 

I have been learning; learning about worship, about believing that I am doing something right. For as long as I focus on Him and not on my possible shortcomings, I am ok. 

Do not get me wrong, I am not interpreting this scripture, rather, I am talking about worship. I am talking about finding beauty in creation, sharing good food with good company, listening to the gurgle of a baby's laughter or a spring... 

Beholding these things and acknowledging the creator.

Realising that every moment is an opportunity to worship. 

As long as you look up from your place of despair, look away from the scorching heat, look away and gaze upon creation that was put there for your enjoyment...

Ever wonder why a bubbling brook soothes your soul in a special way, how a happy child draws a like response from those around it...?

My revelation may not be perfect or complete... but if it draws me closer to my footstool at the Father's feet... I have found where I belong.

Photo by Sally Brown

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