Monday, May 6, 2013

Bipolar Psalms

You wrote a piece, no, a tribute, articulating your pain…
You want to be committed to that pain…
At least I do.
You know, give it time,
Hold it close…
Let it run its course…
Prove it mattered…
Mbu, “these things take time…”
I hate that comment.
It holds me captive…
To the most painful memories,
Experiences I need to forget…
But “…you know, it takes time…”
Well, I do not care for time tested time limits…
I will set my own…
My limits cover a couple of seconds
3 seconds.
One to think
Two to hurt
Three to compose something new...
If you have read the Psalms of King David,
You know that guy had this trick down…
He could have been diagnosed with bipolarity…
All I know is that, like him,
Halfway through hugging my pain, my mess, close to myself,
I do not want it any more
I am flooded with thoughts,
Of the happy sort
Next thing I know,
Like a sunburst after a storm,
I am smiling through the veil of my tears…
I am praising and laughing
Skipping through my storm…
Peace, perfect peace…
Whose mind is stayed on thee….

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee… Isaiah 26:3

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