Friday, October 31, 2014

As the Harmonica plays...

The harmonica is playing.
It is framing my thoughts.
Although it provides a melancholy twist to the air,
It is still a musical background to my thoughts...

"He plays the harmonica quite well." my mind comments to itself.
The other part of my mind is absorbed in wonder.
And singing a song of a completely different tempo.

The song is; " I am not forgotten"

My big brother wrote me an email.
And in it was a reminder that I am loved.

No, wait!

Yes, my big brother loves me.

The contents of his email were the reminder:

They spoke of Jehovah El Shaddai.
My daddy, the one with so many names.
The One who is teaching me what life with a father is like.

I do have an earthly father, but I did not get much time with him growing up.
And I guess the years of separation affect how close and how open you can get...
But as I get to know this Father, I have come to love that father even more...
Let me share what my big brother shared:

He wrote:
El Shaddai means:
1.    The All Sufficient One.
2.   God Almighty (In English language).
3.   He Heaps Benefits.
4.   He Pours out Blessings.
5.   He Abundantly Blesses with all manner of blessings ( health,favour,love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness, self-control, forgiveness name it).
6.   The All Sufficient Sustainer.
7.   One who Satisfies( am reminded of the song that with long life, He will satisfy me, He will satisfy me…..Only You can satisfy)
8.   One who Supplies.
9.   One who Nourishes.

May the LORD El Shaddai watch over you, reveal Himself and constantly assure you that you’re right in His safest hands ever.

And as tears crept into my eyes and flowed down my face, I have been reminded.
He is right here and he is watching over me.

1 Peter 5:7Amplified Bible (AMP)
Casting the [a]whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, [b]once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you [c]watchfully.