Saturday, August 23, 2014

Looking for his opinion in the Word

Looking for his opinion in the Word

The word is alive

Excerpt from Promises for your everyday life, a daily devotional by Joyce Meyer
Find the Answers and Power You Need in the Word (Hebrews4:12)

"If you can't think of anything right away, thumb through the concordance and pick a subject that grabs your attention. Begin looking at all scriptures referenced with this word and read them. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and reveal truth to you. No matter where you start, remember that the Word is alive and has something for you today!"
I have been frozen in place many times, terrified of making the wrong decision or making a choice outside God's will for me. But you know what, Philemon 1:6 says I need to acknowledge (take notice of and admit the presence of) certain gifts, skills, strengths... from God that we know we haven't worked on or think we do not deserve.  He has given them to you, stop thinking you need to work on something a bit more to get there. If he says it is there, then it is. 

Examples; "by His stripes you were healed" note the tense; "you have the mind of Christ" again, note the tense; "the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you" again, observe the tense. 

Maybe it is our cause-effect way of thinking, maybe it is what we have been taught, maybe, maybe... whatever it is, we are asked to discard it and simply receive... 
Note to self: Reading the word to learn his opinion about my specific situation is a great way to make decisions.

Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga

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