Sunday, August 24, 2014

Living excellently.

Living excellently.

Excerpt from Promises for your everyday life, a daily devotional. ~Joyce Meyer
Pursue the Excellence of Daniel (Daniel 6:3)

"Daniel is a man in the Bible who is described as having an 'excellent spirit.' He lived to glorify God with his life, no matter what it cost him. I want to encourage you to live with that same excellent spirit. Be determined to really live for God. As you do, you'll fulfill your true purpose and glorify God in everything you do, just like Daniel."

Short Prayer:  

I know you are making me. At every turn, you give me instructions for my next step.
My author and perfecter. The one who never sleeps nor slumbers. I hand over control.

Growing in you... at Kwagalakwe Farm

 Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Looking for his opinion in the Word

Looking for his opinion in the Word

The word is alive

Excerpt from Promises for your everyday life, a daily devotional by Joyce Meyer
Find the Answers and Power You Need in the Word (Hebrews4:12)

"If you can't think of anything right away, thumb through the concordance and pick a subject that grabs your attention. Begin looking at all scriptures referenced with this word and read them. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and reveal truth to you. No matter where you start, remember that the Word is alive and has something for you today!"
I have been frozen in place many times, terrified of making the wrong decision or making a choice outside God's will for me. But you know what, Philemon 1:6 says I need to acknowledge (take notice of and admit the presence of) certain gifts, skills, strengths... from God that we know we haven't worked on or think we do not deserve.  He has given them to you, stop thinking you need to work on something a bit more to get there. If he says it is there, then it is. 

Examples; "by His stripes you were healed" note the tense; "you have the mind of Christ" again, note the tense; "the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in you" again, observe the tense. 

Maybe it is our cause-effect way of thinking, maybe it is what we have been taught, maybe, maybe... whatever it is, we are asked to discard it and simply receive... 
Note to self: Reading the word to learn his opinion about my specific situation is a great way to make decisions.

Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga

Friday, August 22, 2014

Celebrating the gift of a new day

Celebrating the gift of a new day

Psalm 118: 24
"This is the day you've made, and I will rejoice and be glad..."
In the past I used to think I could only be happy if and only if every area of my life was in order. So I would fret over one thing, as soon as that was resolved, I would pick up the next thing in line and so on...

My joy is not tied to the events or lack thereof in my life. For some people they would rush in and call this denial and I would respectfully ask them to be calm.

Excerpt from today's devotional reading.

Every Day Is a New Day~~Joyce Meyer (Promises for your everyday life, a daily devotional)

"God wants us to have joy in the midst of our ordinary, everyday life, even on the worst days of our life... I was so wrapped up in worry that I was missing the point: God had created a new day, and He created it so that I could enjoy it."

Something for you to think about:

You have, for all these years, been realistic, acknowledged and mourned over every miserable event, every challenge, every loss and every fear that you have faced. What has it given you? Oh? You are well grounded. Ok.

I get why facing one's fear can be helpful, but inviting it in to live, simply because it exists, no.  Matthew 6:25-34 asks me not to worry. In fact it challenges me.
To worry has become instinctive because it has been touted as a sign of taking responsibility. But has worrying ever payed the bill? No! I still had to clearly think to find a way to make money to pay that bill.

Anyway, I have justified my worry so many times and it honestly made me feel like I was doing something about my situation. I was talking to a friend, she was concerned about her relationship, scared it would go the way of the failed relationships in her past and that she had seen her friends have. I dared her to rest in the promises of God. After all, we all know worrying doesn't a good relationship make.

Every fear that rears its head at me, I look it in the eye, and remind it of these promises. God does keep his word. In that I can rest and not have to carry the load of my fears on my face as a sign of being realistic.

So today, and every day from today, let us wake up every day at peace and celebrating the gift of a new day. Because trust me, at the least you will see a lovely person who will make you smile.

Everyday is a new day.... Boma, Fort Portal, Uganda

Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sailing through the storm

Sailing through the storm

I am currently reading Joyce Meyer's Promises of Everyday Life devotion, I thought I would share what i have been learning with you :)
I am going to leave out her notes and simply share mine, feel free to subscribe for the devotional and read it with me. It has some great thought starters.

I will share what I learned today. I would like to point out, that as you read the word, be expectant. Know with certainty the the word will be relevant and be of use to rebuke, correct and  encourage.

Dealing with Emotions While Grieving ~Joyce Meyer

Bible reference Psalm 42:5

"The Bible talks of how King David was feeling depressed but he resisted it. He didn't sink into it or get into the pit of despair. He described how he felt, but he made a decision not to live by his feelings. He praised and trusted in God."

My Notes:

Right now, I am learning to simply look pain in the eye and tell it my father is faithful to his word. Joy will come in the morning, just like he said. And he will hold me through the night.
Many times we assume that Psalm 30: 5 “sorrow may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning” means we will be going through hard times alone, with God waiting for us at the end of the tunnel. His word says that Psalm 23:4 “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and staff they comfort me” Even when we are wrong and it's clearly our fault, he guides us out.
Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for them who love the Lord, for those who are called according to his purpose”
Allow yourself to be guided by his Spirit, through life, or the minefields of your own mistakes. He is faithful to his word.
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you whithersoever thous goest”

Key word: Whithersoever.

Khaya iBhubesi, Parys Free State, South Africa
 Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga