Monday, May 19, 2014

Letting people BE

Hey all,

I have been silent over the last few months.
But have had quite a number of lessons during that time.
I promise to share from those lessons as time goes on, but today, let me share my most recent learning.

While I was away (read offline), I made a new friend, pretty cool friend. Also great news given that at some point last year I was convinced that I wouldn't make any new friends. Mostly because I was afraid. But that is a story for another day.

So, yesterday evening I got to hangout with this cool person for a few hours, but they were not feeling so great. You know that feeling when somebody is not there because they are preoccupied? Yeah, like that. After a couple of tries, I decided to let it go and just hangout in silence.
In the silent silence...

Why didn't I do that in the first place? This person is anything but silent, if it is not a song, it's probably a funny anecdote. Even in the silence, there is a feeling of an ongoing conversation.

I don't know about you, but silent silences drive me crazy and at some point they become about me; Why aren't they talking to me, did I do something? Did I say something? Can I ask? What if I make them mad? So many questions, until I have worked myself into a full-blown worrier state.

Anyhow, bottom-line is, I did not handle it so well. I totally made it about myself and felt horrible at the end of the day.

This morning, on my way to work, as I was praying in tongues, trying to get myself into the right mood for the day, I realised something.

It is important for me to allow my friends to be. To just BE. And that is all-encompassing. That includes when they are humming and fun and also when they are silent and brooding. That I allow a person to be themselves with me, even if it is not their most charming self.

If I continue down the path of; talk to me, is it me... nag, nag, nag. Then I close off a part of them. They will only show me the happy side or pretend, just to avoid the hassle of explaining their black mood. And that would be a shame. A big shame. 

And that is my lesson for the week, maybe for the day. But it is important and I felt I should share as we go on this journey together. We are being perfected in every area of our lives; finances, ministry, relationships, health... every single aspect.

The cloud does not negate the existence of the sun...

 Quotes and Photo Credits: Edith Namuganga



  1. I love the honesty. I have been struggling with this imperfection as well ;-). Judging everyone else above based on their character faults without an understanding on the context/situation.
    We are all imperfect and we shall get there one day.

  2. Wow...beautiful truth. It can be hard to think that the reason is not you, usually my frustration is with my failure to change their mood or the situation for them, as in, come let's hang out and I will make you all better. I also hate silent silences but learning to let people be, that is a great lesson. Welcome back!

  3. @Anonymous@Gloria; I agree, it is a struggle. The biggest revelation was in realising that for somebody to allow you to see them when they are unhappy or even angry is a sign that they are comfortable enough to let you see that side of them. We do like to hide those things from people, to the extent of pretense.
